Insurance Dept

Eligibility Extension for Active Participants Who Lose Eligibility Due to the COVID-19 Crisis

If you are an Active Participant and you lose eligibility for health coverage because you can’t work or you have had to reduce your hours as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, you may qualify for Extended Eligibility due to COVID-19.
To qualify for this eligibility extension, you must satisfy both of the following:

Currently, this special eligibility extension is available through the work month of December 31, 2020, providing benefit eligibility through February 28, 2021.
If you have already been approved for this eligibility extension, no action is necessary on your part. If not, to receive the benefits extension, you must provide the Fund Office with:

Please contact the Fund Office if you have questions regarding eligibility status. You can submit an Application and Unemployment Insurance or SDI approval letter at, or call 877-284-2320.

The Insurance Department telephone line is open Monday thru Friday 8:30 AM to 4 PM.
Food Employers Trust Fund

Food and Meat & Warehouse Division
Meat Cutters, Food & Wahehouse Clerks,
General Clerks, GMC, UC's & Pharmacists
